Choose Your heating

Radiant heating panels
Economical and efficient infrared heating suitable for an extremely wide range of applications due to diversity of the designs, materials and outputs.

Heating cable systems
Popular and cost effective solutions, can be used both for indoor and outdoor heating and are very economical to run when combined with suitable controller.

Heating film systems
ECOFILM electric heating foils are a unique product intended for use for electric large-surface ceiling or floor heating of interior spaces.

Electric convectors
Convection and radiant convection heaters are effective and easy solutions for occasionally used buildings, where rapid reaction is needed.

Thermostats and controls
Extremely important part of the installation, ensures an electric heating system works seamlessly and stays truly energy efficient.

Supplementary products
Insulations, Ultratherm heating for pets, hand dryers and radiators – small but helpful additions, increasing the overall home comfort.